Monday, April 25, 2011

23 / Fanart

Today, I give you:

Dick Sticks. The smaller print says "Taste & Simple Sesame Stick".

These are gross. 

Look at the pain in my eyes. 

 Usually, Konglish is at least.. In the ballpark. The incoherent paragraphs and sentences at least give you the GIST of what they're trying to say on most packaging, etc. But when it comes to clothing and snacks, I find that English use makes little to no sense at all. And the only thing to do is just run with it. 

The best thing is when you can't stop yourself from laughing at what you read. When I first saw dick sticks, I started cracking up in the middle of a crowded supermarket aisle. Sometimes people will look at you like... ?... Crazy waygook..... But the most popular response at least in my experience is they'll nod and try to laugh too. It's wonderful. Most of the time in the US, people will kind of ignore you if they don't know you. It doesn't matter if you're laughing in public, crying in public, etc. People usually don't like to get involved. But here, people will sometimes play along with you even when they have no idea why you're laughing. : ) 

Anyway, today was great because I got some fanart from a couple of my students.

Fairly true to life. 

LOL this is my absolute favorite because of the bug eyes.

We were learning about some feelings today. Angry, sad, happy, etc. When we'd do "surprised" they always pointed at me to open my eyes really wide. Apparently this was hysterical.

I also bought grapes today. Fruit here is like 300% better than back home, but it's SO EXPENSIVE. A bag of seedless red grapes was the equivalent of 7 US dollars. I cringe. But everything else is pretty cheap, so I guess it evens out? Even so, I only buy grapes once a month. :x 


  1. Lol, have you told them that your name is spelled with a K? That first picture.... the artist really nailed the hemispherical shape of your head, complete with your shoulder-conjoined face spilling over the sides of your shoulders. Being serious here though, you look like a skirt touting strong mad. Was this picture before or after they saw the trogdor video?

  2. yeah. but i'm just happy that they remember C makes a similar sound (: <3 two of my youngest drew those.

    lmao. i know. so sexy.

    AFTER trogdor :o perhaps there is some influence huh
