Friday, April 1, 2011

18 / asdlkghalgdkhd

dear students,

we're playing a game. you're not going to die if you lose. similarly, you aren't getting a million dollars if you win. i'll just smile at you and say good job, which you make fun of anyway.

i can't hear your answer if seven of you on a team are screaming different things at me all at once. then, when i pick the thing you didn't want, screaming at me some more in korean won't make a difference. interestingly enough, i am not pretending i don't know korean. i have no idea what you're saying, and no matter how many times you repeat yourself i'm not going to magically become fluent. in general, even if i did know korean, screaming at me at the top of your lungs generally is not the best approach. i end up leaving class feeling like i have ptsd & cringing at loud noises for three hours afterward.

i don't understand why, when you are easily 70 points ahead of the other team, you feel the need to try and trick me when they answer things correctly by telling me they meant something else. really? you're like ten years old. shouldn't this be fun? see first paragraph.

yes, i understand that you're incredibly smart and precocious.

kat teacher

1 comment:

  1. I feel like giving this exact speech to them every day. You are not alone!!!
