Wednesday, February 16, 2011

4/ Things

i'm currently focusing on reading in korean... think i am making progress c:
they say you can learn it within a few solid days or even hours.
i think i am getting it down, but the japanese characters i learned keep
getting in the way.

also, the korean L/r sound is really, really hard for me.
my spanish seems to come out like 10x force when i try to do it. :O

other than that, learning lots about education i guess.
my lectures all center around teaching these days.
it's interesting and should prove helpful, but i sometimes zone out. :s ee

we are trying to plan a trip to seoul this weekend.

i feel okay, pretty good really. i just never seem to get enough sleep!

ps i don't think i could estimate in real terms
how much rice i am consuming

pps corn tea? just say no


  1. your spanish would come out in korean, lolll

  2. Corn tea? Is this yummy? I once tried corn ice cream... that was gross.
