Thursday, March 10, 2011

9 / :O

I haven't known how to condense everything enough to make a serious post, but OMG

I'm having trouble sleeping after taking a nap, and a kid's show in Korean came on... It's supposed to be an English learning show. A cartoon. (Cartoons are pretty much the only thing I put on here.) Dude ok let me try to get this in words.

So. It's like... A bunch of characters meeting eachother, talking about where they're from... etc... I guess to learn things like "I'm from_____" or "Where are you from?"

It starts with the USA. The USA is represented by a donkey wearing an Uncle Sam hat.

USA meets the Japan character, which is a maneki neko kind of thing with bags under its eyes. Are you picturing it? So. It's like... Their exchange:

USA: Hello, I'm going to _____. Where are you from?

JAPAN: I'm from Japan.

USA: I'm from America. What's wrong with you?

JAPAN: I am old and weak.

USA: Will you join me?

JAPAN: Sounds great.

Then, they meet France? France is a chicken. A CHICKEN. The three of them head on over to Germany, where they look inside a kitchen with a bunch of people being loud and swinging beer mugs around. THEN they go to Korea, which is represented by....

A little blonde boy with a mullet? A little blonde boy with a mullet. Why not?

THIS COUNTRY IS AMAZING. I love it here more and more every single day.


Today me and my 1st and 2nd graders made Alphabet Snakes together... We cut out the snakes and glued the letters of the alphabet on in order, because we're kind of stuck on phonics right now. Hooked on Phonics? ... No, just stuck. I wish I were an education major sometimes.

Anyway, it was possibly the best lesson we've had. c: The kids love to color, and they are HILARIOUS. One girl accidentally cut the head off her snake, and she was like... freaking out about it... pointing, gesturing... So we had to take the snake to the "emergency room" [big English word] and give it "surgery" together. Everyone was cracking up. I felt like I was finally making a connection with them. (:

In 3rd&4th grade and 5th&6th, we're working on numbers, "How many?", "more" and "less".

1 comment:

  1. This was sooo funny! I was cracking up!!! Love Korea!
